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Ten years after groundbreaking factory safety pact signed, major fashion brands still refuse to join

Photo: Solidarity action in Pakistan on the ten year anniversary of the
Rana Plaza collapse (HBWWF, NTUF)

Ten years ago today, apparel companies forced into action by the Rana Plaza factory collapse finally signed a binding agreement with local and global unions to protect Bangladeshi garment workers, with civil society organizations as witnesses.

Now the third iteration of the programme is supported by almost 200 brands and the life-saving work is expanding to Pakistan. Yet there are still brands who will not support factory safety with the proven industry's best standard.

Ten years after Rana Plaza tragedy, labour rights movement calls for legally binding agreements and HRDD legislation

Photo: Rina's mother waits for her missing daughter by Rana Plaza debris.
(July 2013, Taslima Akhter)

Photo: Relatives of Rana Plaza's workers demand justice.
(October 2013, Taslima Akhter)

Photo: Worker remembers Rana Plaza and calls for the International Accord.
(April 2021, BIGUF / CCC)

Photo: Kalpona Akter, Founder & Executive Director of the
Bangladesh Center for Workers Solidarity.

Photo: Members of the CNCA deliver petition to Canadian Parliament
calling for mandatory due diligence law (CNCA).

This April 24 marks the tenth anniversary of the tragic and preventable Rana Plaza disaster, in which at least 1,138 garment workers were killed and more than 2,500 were seriously injured when the building housing five garment factories collapsed. We stand in solidarity with the survivors and families of those who died as they honour and remember their loved ones. 

Workers win stolen severance at Target supplier factory in Guatemala

Photo: JNB Global workers receive payment (WRC).

After a two-year struggle, seven workers formerly employed at a Target supplier factory in Guatemala have won their legally owed back pay and severance, and over 400 workers still employed at the factory have had their severance and seniority rights restored.

In late 2020, Target’s JNB Global supplier factory forced its workers to sign new employment contracts that falsified their initial hire dates, effectively reducing the amount of severance and other accrued benefits to which they were legally entitled. The seven workers that refused to sign were fired.

Mexico: Independent unions win significant wage increases

Photo: La Liga Sindical Obrera Mexicana

Independent unions at five manufacturing facilities in Mexico, most of which are in the auto manufacturing and auto parts sectors, have recently negotiated significant wage increases for their members. 

Contributing factors that helped achieve these victories are: 1) the right of workers under Mexico’s labour justice reform to vote by secret ballot on existing collective bargaining agreements and in union representation elections, and 2) the right to file complaints if workers’ associational rights are violated under the tri-national trade agreement.  
