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Workers win stolen severance at Target supplier factory in Guatemala

Photo: JNB Global workers receive payment (WRC).

After a two-year struggle, seven workers formerly employed at a Target supplier factory in Guatemala have won their legally owed back pay and severance, and over 400 workers still employed at the factory have had their severance and seniority rights restored.

In late 2020, Target’s JNB Global supplier factory forced its workers to sign new employment contracts that falsified their initial hire dates, effectively reducing the amount of severance and other accrued benefits to which they were legally entitled. The seven workers that refused to sign were fired.

Mexico: Independent unions win significant wage increases

Photo: La Liga Sindical Obrera Mexicana

Independent unions at five manufacturing facilities in Mexico, most of which are in the auto manufacturing and auto parts sectors, have recently negotiated significant wage increases for their members. 

Contributing factors that helped achieve these victories are: 1) the right of workers under Mexico’s labour justice reform to vote by secret ballot on existing collective bargaining agreements and in union representation elections, and 2) the right to file complaints if workers’ associational rights are violated under the tri-national trade agreement.  

CCC calls on brands to take immediate action in support of Sri Lankan workers making their clothes

Photo: Solidarity Kitchen organised by FTZ & GSEU during the crisis.

Research published today by Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) reveals that most garment workers in Sri Lanka have not been receiving the full Emergency Relief Allowance, which unions had called on factories to pay to help counter the devastating effects of the country’s severe economic crisis. 
